JARRAH (eucalyptus marginata)
JARRAH (eucalyptus marginata)
SHEOAK (allocasuarina fraseriana)
MARRI (corymbia calophylla)
The timber we use comes from a range of locally sourced materials.
•Salvaged from private property and land development
•Recycled buildings, stockyards & fences
•Local sawmills
•Local timber retailers
Very little of our wood is wasted…offcuts warm us during the winter and sawdust used for the garden
Gnarly sheoak trees
Hard, dusty work! Dean milling timber salvaged from a local paddock in Albany
Unique to Western Australia, Jarrah is the most common hard wood used for fine furniture and woodwork.
Originally named Swan River Mahogany due to Jarrah's rich red colour. The timber has been used for construction, furniture and was once used to pave the streets of London! Jarrah is well known for its durability and white ant resistance.
This often gnarled and twisted tree has a hidden secret…the rich orange red timber and spectacular grain within.
While not related to true oak, Sheoak was used by settlers for roofing shingles and wine barrels. It is now sought after as a fine furniture and craft timber.
Once considered a second-rate timber only suited to such uses as wood chipping, Marri has now gained popularity as a fine furniture timber. Often dark gum veins provide drama in this pale yellow timber.
Jarrah trees in the forest
To learn more about how the Western Australian State Government manages our native forest resources, please read more here, at the Forest Products Commissions website, http://www.fpc.wa.gov.au
Copyright © South Coast WoodWorks Gallery . All Rights Reserved.
Chainsawing is backbreaking work, especially our hardwoods! But it is always rewarding when a tree reveals its beauty within.
Common Western Australian Timbers Used for Fine WoodWork
Below are some of the common native timbers used for our products…
Wood is a natural material which provides the unique grain and
colour for every product.
Storing and sorting timber is all part of caring for our wood…
At the end of the day, one must make something out of this timber!
Saved from the burning pile during a property development…sheoak logs ready to be milled
Local timber mill operator with his bandsaw mill
A portable mill sawing a sheoak log into planks…very noisy and dusty!
Patience is required for naturally dried timber – usually a year for every inch
A few more years before all this hard work can be used!
“…Is there anyone not baffled by Jarrah – its hardness, its degree of difficulty? There is civil disobedience in its nature…The impulse is always to pick up and admire a piece of Jarrah – stroke it like a cat. Is it possible to say a piece of timber is ‘proud’?…the wood long outlasting the men who cut it into lengths…”
Excerpt from the novel “Eucalyptus” by Murray Bail
Preparing to mill a salvaged sheoak stump.
Milled sheoak stump surface. It will require more than a year to season before it can be used.
The ultimate reward, after all the hard work…a sheoak table before and after oiling.
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